CAD Divider


Understanding the 4-year and 10-year planning rules

Understanding the 4-year and 10-year planning rules

By Laura Potts MRTPI, Planning Consultant, CAD Planning You may well have heard of these two rules before. Together, they play an important role in our local planning landscape. Due to legislation that is now in its final stages of passing through Parliament, it seems...

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CAD Architects expands its Planning Consultancy team

CAD Architects expands its Planning Consultancy team

Last year, CAD Architects in Truro took the bold step of setting up its own in-house Planning Consultancy service. This move has proved so successful that CAD Planning has now taken on a further highly experienced planning specialist. We are delighted to welcome...

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By Mark Dawes, Managing Director of CAD Architects Today I have read an article in the West Briton reporting on Cornwall Council’s new Supported Housing Strategy which seeks to set out the Council’ approach to providing sufficient supported accommodation to 2050. The...

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The Rise of the Smart Building

The Rise of the Smart Building

By Matt Laity, Architectural Technologist – Associate, CAD Architects In the world of commercial architecture, the integration of technology is a transformative force that is reshaping the way we design and experience spaces. This synergy between technology and...

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Planning consultancy – your top four questions answered

Planning consultancy – your top four questions answered

By Laura Potts MRTPI, Planning Consultant, CAD Planning In house planning consultancy within an architects’ firm is still a relatively new concept and CAD Architects are one of only a few RIBA Chartered practices in Cornwall and Devon to offer this service. So, not...

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