CAD Heritage Divider
CAD Divider

Heritage & Conservation Consultancy

We have outstanding expertise in heritage consultancy and building conservation.

CAD Heritage have a unique ability to identify and work with the individual factors which define the character and special interest of our Listed buildings & historic settlements. We have gained a reputation as one of the most effective heritage and building conservation consultancies in South West England. We provide specialist heritage & conservation consultancy and design advice to Clients across all development sectors – residential, commercial and leisure.

Comprehensive heritage impact assessments

We use our knowledge, combined with rigorous and detailed research, to produce Heritage Impact Assessments. These provide vital assistance in the pre-design evaluation of any project and also form a bridge between a client’s design team and Local Authority Conservation. A Statement of Significance is a crucial document which considers the asset in its wider context, such as the landscape or its immediate setting. It appraises the asset on three main values – cultural, emotional and use. These values are then assessed for their importance locally, regionally and nationally. The successful execution of this work is vital for having a successful dialogue with the local Conservation Officer.

A successful conservation approach

Our pragmatic approach to conservation reflects our respect for the cultural significance of our local built heritage coupled with a clear understanding of its future needs. This approach, strengthened by our genuine passion for the South West’s historic buildings, has delivered exceptional results for Clients across Cornwall, Devon, Somerset and beyond. Our successes have enabled us to develop positive working relationships with Local Planning Authorities and Conservation Officers across the region, allowing valuable and uncomplicated responses for Clients at all stages of the Planning process.

Tailored conservation solutions

We use our knowledge, together with building analysis and archival research, to provide Clients with a wide range of proactive and reactive products and services tailored to the scale of the proposed development and the significance of the relevant heritage assets. We prepare, submit and manage a wide range of planning applications, including listed building consent applications, for projects of all sizes, and proactively engage with Conservation Officers, Local Authority Archaeologists and Historic England as appropriate. We provide survey and design services to establish the nature and extent of development proposals and can offer a heritage-focussed full RIBA-accredited architectural service to take projects of all sizes from concept to completion. We regularly work alongside Planning Consultants and other design teams to turn early ideas for heritage-sensitive projects into strong prospects ahead of the planning process, remaining on hand to help them secure consents which achieve their Client’s aims. We devise bespoke Planning Strategies for projects large and small to help Clients achieve optimum results from heritage-sensitive situations – advising on the most effective consultation routes to take and which supporting documents to commission and when.

Effective heritage statements

Our Rapid Appraisal and Heritage Development Assessment reports inform the initial design process by identifying a site’s specific heritage constraints as well as opportunities to deliver conservation or public benefits which might enable otherwise contentious elements of development to achieve statutory Planning Permissions. Our Development Review service, popular with Architects, Planning Consultants, and Developers identifies amendments or enhancements to a completed or well-advanced design which are capable of overcoming heritage-related objections raised during the Planning process. Our Heritage Impact Assessments (HIA) meet National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) guidelines by assessing the impacts of a proposal on the significance or specific ‘heritage values’ of the relevant heritage asset.  Where appropriate, our HIAs include mitigation strategies or recommendations to ensure statutory permission is secured for a scheme which satisfies the Client’s needs. Our Historic Building Record reports, consisting of drawn, photographic and analytical surveys, support substantial interventions by providing the Local Planning Authority with a detailed record of a building as it stood prior to a proposed development.  


Architecture & Building Design > Development Consultancy > Principal Designer > Civil Engineering > Heritage & Conservation Consultancy > Structural Engineering >  


Brief Development > Building Contract Administration > Measured Survey & Drawings > Sustainability Advice & Design > Building Regulation Application > Consultant Co-ordination > Masterplanning > Planning Permission >  
CAD Divider

Heritage & Conservation Consultancy

We have outstanding expertise in heritage consultancy and building conservation.

CAD Heritage have a unique ability to identify and work with the individual factors which define the character and special interest of our Listed buildings & historic settlements. We have gained a reputation as one of the most effective heritage and building conservation consultancies in South West England. We provide specialist heritage & conservation consultancy and design advice to Clients across all development sectors – residential, commercial and leisure.

Comprehensive heritage impact assessments

We use our knowledge, combined with rigorous and detailed research, to produce Heritage Impact Assessments. These provide vital assistance in the pre-design evaluation of any project and also form a bridge between a client’s design team and Local Authority Conservation. A Statement of Significance is a crucial document which considers the asset in its wider context, such as the landscape or its immediate setting. It appraises the asset on three main values – cultural, emotional and use. These values are then assessed for their importance locally, regionally and nationally. The successful execution of this work is vital for having a successful dialogue with the local Conservation Officer.

A successful conservation approach

Our pragmatic approach to conservation reflects our respect for the cultural significance of our local built heritage coupled with a clear understanding of its future needs. This approach, strengthened by our genuine passion for the South West’s historic buildings, has delivered exceptional results for Clients across Cornwall, Devon, Somerset and beyond. Our successes have enabled us to develop positive working relationships with Local Planning Authorities and Conservation Officers across the region, allowing valuable and uncomplicated responses for Clients at all stages of the Planning process.

Tailored conservation solutions

We use our knowledge, together with building analysis and archival research, to provide Clients with a wide range of proactive and reactive products and services tailored to the scale of the proposed development and the significance of the relevant heritage assets. We prepare, submit and manage a wide range of planning applications, including listed building consent applications, for projects of all sizes, and proactively engage with Conservation Officers, Local Authority Archaeologists and Historic England as appropriate. We provide survey and design services to establish the nature and extent of development proposals and can offer a heritage-focussed full RIBA-accredited architectural service to take projects of all sizes from concept to completion. We regularly work alongside Planning Consultants and other design teams to turn early ideas for heritage-sensitive projects into strong prospects ahead of the planning process, remaining on hand to help them secure consents which achieve their Client’s aims. We devise bespoke Planning Strategies for projects large and small to help Clients achieve optimum results from heritage-sensitive situations – advising on the most effective consultation routes to take and which supporting documents to commission and when.

Effective heritage statements

Our Rapid Appraisal and Heritage Development Assessment reports inform the initial design process by identifying a site’s specific heritage constraints as well as opportunities to deliver conservation or public benefits which might enable otherwise contentious elements of development to achieve statutory Planning Permissions. Our Development Review service, popular with Architects, Planning Consultants, and Developers identifies amendments or enhancements to a completed or well-advanced design which are capable of overcoming heritage-related objections raised during the Planning process. Our Heritage Impact Assessments (HIA) meet National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) guidelines by assessing the impacts of a proposal on the significance or specific ‘heritage values’ of the relevant heritage asset.  Where appropriate, our HIAs include mitigation strategies or recommendations to ensure statutory permission is secured for a scheme which satisfies the Client’s needs. Our Historic Building Record reports, consisting of drawn, photographic and analytical surveys, support substantial interventions by providing the Local Planning Authority with a detailed record of a building as it stood prior to a proposed development.  


Architecture & Building Design > Development Consultancy > Principal Designer > Civil Engineering > Heritage & Conservation Consultancy > Structural Engineering >  


Brief Development > Building Contract Administration > Measured Survey & Drawings > Sustainability Advice & Design > Building Regulation Application > Consultant Co-ordination > Masterplanning > Planning Permission >  
CAD Divider

Heritage & Conservation Consultancy

We have outstanding expertise in heritage consultancy and building conservation.

CAD Heritage have a unique ability to identify and work with the individual factors which define the character and special interest of our Listed buildings & historic settlements. We have gained a reputation as one of the most effective heritage and building conservation consultancies in South West England. We provide specialist heritage & conservation consultancy and design advice to Clients across all development sectors – residential, commercial and leisure.

Comprehensive heritage impact assessments

We use our knowledge, combined with rigorous and detailed research, to produce Heritage Impact Assessments. These provide vital assistance in the pre-design evaluation of any project and also form a bridge between a client’s design team and Local Authority Conservation. A Statement of Significance is a crucial document which considers the asset in its wider context, such as the landscape or its immediate setting. It appraises the asset on three main values – cultural, emotional and use. These values are then assessed for their importance locally, regionally and nationally. The successful execution of this work is vital for having a successful dialogue with the local Conservation Officer.

A successful conservation approach

Our pragmatic approach to conservation reflects our respect for the cultural significance of our local built heritage coupled with a clear understanding of its future needs. This approach, strengthened by our genuine passion for the South West’s historic buildings, has delivered exceptional results for Clients across Cornwall, Devon, Somerset and beyond. Our successes have enabled us to develop positive working relationships with Local Planning Authorities and Conservation Officers across the region, allowing valuable and uncomplicated responses for Clients at all stages of the Planning process.

Tailored conservation solutions

We use our knowledge, together with building analysis and archival research, to provide Clients with a wide range of proactive and reactive products and services tailored to the scale of the proposed development and the significance of the relevant heritage assets. We prepare, submit and manage a wide range of planning applications, including listed building consent applications, for projects of all sizes, and proactively engage with Conservation Officers, Local Authority Archaeologists and Historic England as appropriate. We provide survey and design services to establish the nature and extent of development proposals and can offer a heritage-focussed full RIBA-accredited architectural service to take projects of all sizes from concept to completion. We regularly work alongside Planning Consultants and other design teams to turn early ideas for heritage-sensitive projects into strong prospects ahead of the planning process, remaining on hand to help them secure consents which achieve their Client’s aims. We devise bespoke Planning Strategies for projects large and small to help Clients achieve optimum results from heritage-sensitive situations – advising on the most effective consultation routes to take and which supporting documents to commission and when.

Effective heritage statements

Our Rapid Appraisal and Heritage Development Assessment reports inform the initial design process by identifying a site’s specific heritage constraints as well as opportunities to deliver conservation or public benefits which might enable otherwise contentious elements of development to achieve statutory Planning Permissions. Our Development Review service, popular with Architects, Planning Consultants, and Developers identifies amendments or enhancements to a completed or well-advanced design which are capable of overcoming heritage-related objections raised during the Planning process. Our Heritage Impact Assessments (HIA) meet National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) guidelines by assessing the impacts of a proposal on the significance or specific ‘heritage values’ of the relevant heritage asset.  Where appropriate, our HIAs include mitigation strategies or recommendations to ensure statutory permission is secured for a scheme which satisfies the Client’s needs. Our Historic Building Record reports, consisting of drawn, photographic and analytical surveys, support substantial interventions by providing the Local Planning Authority with a detailed record of a building as it stood prior to a proposed development.  


Architecture & Building Design > Development Consultancy > Principal Designer > Civil Engineering > Heritage & Conservation Consultancy > Structural Engineering >  


Brief Development > Building Contract Administration > Measured Survey & Drawings > Sustainability Advice & Design > Building Regulation Application > Consultant Co-ordination > Masterplanning > Planning Permission >  
CAD Divider

Heritage & Conservation Consultancy

We have outstanding expertise in heritage consultancy and building conservation.

CAD Heritage have a unique ability to identify and work with the individual factors which define the character and special interest of our Listed buildings & historic settlements. We have gained a reputation as one of the most effective heritage and building conservation consultancies in South West England. We provide specialist heritage & conservation consultancy and design advice to Clients across all development sectors – residential, commercial and leisure.

Comprehensive heritage impact assessments

We use our knowledge, combined with rigorous and detailed research, to produce Heritage Impact Assessments. These provide vital assistance in the pre-design evaluation of any project and also form a bridge between a client’s design team and Local Authority Conservation. A Statement of Significance is a crucial document which considers the asset in its wider context, such as the landscape or its immediate setting. It appraises the asset on three main values – cultural, emotional and use. These values are then assessed for their importance locally, regionally and nationally. The successful execution of this work is vital for having a successful dialogue with the local Conservation Officer.

A successful conservation approach

Our pragmatic approach to conservation reflects our respect for the cultural significance of our local built heritage coupled with a clear understanding of its future needs. This approach, strengthened by our genuine passion for the South West’s historic buildings, has delivered exceptional results for Clients across Cornwall, Devon, Somerset and beyond. Our successes have enabled us to develop positive working relationships with Local Planning Authorities and Conservation Officers across the region, allowing valuable and uncomplicated responses for Clients at all stages of the Planning process.

Tailored conservation solutions

We use our knowledge, together with building analysis and archival research, to provide Clients with a wide range of proactive and reactive products and services tailored to the scale of the proposed development and the significance of the relevant heritage assets. We prepare, submit and manage a wide range of planning applications, including listed building consent applications, for projects of all sizes, and proactively engage with Conservation Officers, Local Authority Archaeologists and Historic England as appropriate. We provide survey and design services to establish the nature and extent of development proposals and can offer a heritage-focussed full RIBA-accredited architectural service to take projects of all sizes from concept to completion. We regularly work alongside Planning Consultants and other design teams to turn early ideas for heritage-sensitive projects into strong prospects ahead of the planning process, remaining on hand to help them secure consents which achieve their Client’s aims. We devise bespoke Planning Strategies for projects large and small to help Clients achieve optimum results from heritage-sensitive situations – advising on the most effective consultation routes to take and which supporting documents to commission and when.

Effective heritage statements

Our Rapid Appraisal and Heritage Development Assessment reports inform the initial design process by identifying a site’s specific heritage constraints as well as opportunities to deliver conservation or public benefits which might enable otherwise contentious elements of development to achieve statutory Planning Permissions. Our Development Review service, popular with Architects, Planning Consultants, and Developers identifies amendments or enhancements to a completed or well-advanced design which are capable of overcoming heritage-related objections raised during the Planning process. Our Heritage Impact Assessments (HIA) meet National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) guidelines by assessing the impacts of a proposal on the significance or specific ‘heritage values’ of the relevant heritage asset.  Where appropriate, our HIAs include mitigation strategies or recommendations to ensure statutory permission is secured for a scheme which satisfies the Client’s needs. Our Historic Building Record reports, consisting of drawn, photographic and analytical surveys, support substantial interventions by providing the Local Planning Authority with a detailed record of a building as it stood prior to a proposed development.  


Architecture & Building Design > Development Consultancy > Principal Designer > Civil Engineering > Heritage & Conservation Consultancy > Structural Engineering >  


Brief Development > Building Contract Administration > Measured Survey & Drawings > Sustainability Advice & Design > Building Regulation Application > Consultant Co-ordination > Masterplanning > Planning Permission >